This entry was originally going to be about John Bonham but I found much of it to be true of the other members as well. Who is John Bonham? In most of the Led Zepp biographies he seems to be th...Read More
Ahh, New Age music. You don’t know what it is but you know it when you hear it. . . at least you think you do. A lot of the music labeled as such existed before the title came up. If som...Read More
No one likes the idiot that walks up to you and says, “Cheer up!” As if that would do anything positive! You may think, “What is this? A marching order?” just before the ...Read More
Bauhaus was an especially dark band with a view towards spontaneity. In fact, the album, The Sky’s Gone Out, has been said to be mostly improvisation. One track in particular has been a con...Read More
It seemed to take quite a while to arrive. When it did, it was very nondescript. A picture of four ordinary-looking guys who look like they feel that they just conquered the world (they just played...Read More
Long title, I know . . . . Now that we’re a couple weeks into the new year, I think it’s a better time to get perspective. Every new year, in my opinion, should be an opportunity to no...Read More
It’s one of those moments when irony steps up and slaps you in the face. It’s one of those moments when you smirk and say this is absurd. Every day I make people laugh. It doesn...Read More
Music is a funny thing. It’s material but yet it’s not. It’s subjective but is good music just what you like? What makes something move you so deeply it’s absurd? The ...Read More
Lately, I’ve been listening to a lot of Jazz and Al Stewart’s Year of the Cat album. In fact, I had been listening to that album so much that I had to stop before I got tired of it, put ...Read More
“Sometimes I don’t know/ what to think about the world/ when this guy is burning up in the street/ with gasoline /and the flames show no mercy/ so when you need /some one to talk to you/ i...Read More